Front Row Table for Netroots Nation '13

Item Number: 112

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Sep 27, 2012 10:08 PM EDT

Bid History: 20 bids - Item Sold!


Have you ever run late for one of the Netroots Nation keynotes only to find out your about 12 tables back? And when this happens do all the speakers in your photos look like blurs? (Really, I WAS there when Clinton spoke.) Sure there are the big screens, but wouldn't you like to be so close to the podium you can practically tell what shoe size they wear? Well then bid on this item that is offered for the first-time. It's a front-row table for you and 8-10 of your best Netroots buddies for the three keynotes that will take place at Netroots Nation Providence.  This is a terrific item that you and your buddies can pool your money together to give you the best advantage possible. Good luck!

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Netroots Nation