ART OF ROMANCE!: "Ruby" by John Kelly

Item Number: 672

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $1,200

Online Close: Jan 31, 2013 11:59 PM EST

Bid History: 0 bids


Details of this item

"Ruby" by John Kelly

Limited Edition Off-set Lithograph signed and numbered by the artist.
Size: 19" x 23"
Status: Unframed

Supplied with Certificate of Authenticity.


About the Artist

The name John Kelly, and his signature style of painting, have become a familiar mainstay in American Maritime art. Now he is expanding his artistic scope to include cityscapes from the recognizable areas of the world.

Born in Scottland, Kelly comes from a seafaring family that emigrated to Canada when he was a boy. There he learned his subject matter firsthand, sailing as a merchant seaman on the coastal waters of Canada and Alaska. Internationally known as a painter, lithographer, and lecturer, his added talent as a musician enabled him in his early career to come to Los Angeles for intensive studies at the Art Center School.

Kelly now travels the world and gatheres research for paintings, pastels and lithographs, which he has printed at the prestigious Art Center School.

Special Instructions


United Nations Foundation

When disaster strikes, the world turns to one organization for hope, help, leadership, and coordi­nation: the United Nations. When there is peace to keep between warring factions, the world asks the United Nations to mobilize peacekeepers, oversee elections, and create stability. In the face of challenges such as global warming, the United Nations provides the platform for international cooperation.

The United Nations Foundation has received support from many notable celebrities including Gerri Halliwell,Lisa Masterson and Ted Turner.

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