2 Longwood Gardens Tickets and Pierre S du Pont Biography

Item Number: E&C021
Time Left: CLOSED

Item includes 2 tickets to Longwood Gardens and "Pierre S. du Pont, a Rare Genius" a biography about the Longwood founder by Michelle Ferrari.
Ticket Information:
2 tickets to Longwood Gardens, one of the premier botanical gardens in the United States. Tickets expire Sept 30, 2014. Longwood Gardens is open to visitors year-round and consists of over 1,000 acres of gardens, woodlands, and meadows. Visit http://longwoodgardens.org/ to learn about special events and displays. Valued at $36.
Book Information:
This biography includes a DVD and offers an intimate look at the life and achievements of this remarkable man with his varied interests, diverse talents, and towering accomplishments. Over the course of his eighty-four years, du Pont transformed the landscape of American business, revolutionized public education in his native state of Delaware and created one of the premier gardens in the world. Hardcover, boxed: 144 pages. Published and distributed by Longwood Gardens, Inc., (2009). Valued at $45.