Craft Beer Tasting Party #4

Item Number: IB164

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $125

Online Close: Oct 24, 2013 1:00 PM EDT

Bid History: 16 bids - Item Sold!


Just in time for football season, add ice to the included tub and you are all ready for a beer tasting extravaganza!!   Brought to you courtesy of the folks in Industrial Biosciences (We make our living from fermentation.) this item includes 44 bottles of selected, IPA's seasonal, lagers and more.   You will receive at least one bottle of each of the following, plus some surprise bonus beers. 

Barrel Trolley IPA
Corona Light
Crown Valley Pumpkin Stout
Dogfish  Head Raisson D'Entre
Dogfish Pumpkin Ale
Flying Fish Exit 16 IPA
Flying Fish Exit 4 IPA
Goose Island Oktoberfest
Gunslinger IPA
Hoegaarden Belgium Wheat
Honey Nut Brown
Jaw Jacker Pumkin Ale
Kona Pipeline Porter
Lagunitas IPA
Leffe Blond Ale
Long Trail Harvest Ale
Long Trail Pumkin Ale
Magic Hat Seasonal Ale
Post Road Pumkin Ale
Punk n Ale
Red Rocket Ale
Scuttlebutt Hoptopia
Shipyard Pumkinhead
Shock Top Belgium White
Shocktop Pumpkin Wheat
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Torpedo Ale
Spiced Harvest Ale
Stoudt's Oktoberfest
UnderDog Atlantic Lager
Victory Golden Monkey
Victory Prima Pils
Yards Pale Ale
Yuegling Octoberfest

Special Instructions

Phase 2 Item

Donated by

Industrial Biosciences (Contact Jeff Jury)