Summer Fun Package

Item Number: 235

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $578

Online Close: May 4, 2015 3:00 PM EDT

Bid History: 0 bids


Bleu-Blanc-Rouge French Camp

Send you son or daughter for an unforgettable summer of fun and learning - all in francais! Activities change each week and feature exciting themes!

Summer camp session will be held July 1-3, 2015. It is preferable that your child already has notion of french that you are looking to improve.

Personalized Souvenarte Book

Since 2007, SouvenarteBooks has helped countless numbers of families preserve their children's artwork. Your child's art is prepared and professionally printed to create a beautiful hardcover coffee table book (10" x 8") that you can enjoy, share and treasure. A CD of images will also be provided.


Special Instructions



Donated by

Brigitte Saint-Ouen
Souvenarte Books