A gift of the outdoors: Sponsor a Jordan Boys & Girls Club Hiking Trip $100

Item Number: 174

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Dec 12, 2018 8:00 PM EST

Purchase History: 3 items sold


We are now proud to share that we have TWO Adventure Clubs, one for teens, and one for ages 8-12.  It was just a few years ago that we wouls state that many of our members "have never hiked a trail, read a compass, or spent a night in the woods on a camping trip" but now we are happy to share that over 225 different members have participated in at least one camping trip over the past 5 years.  If you'd like to make a donation to keep this Club growing,  CLICK HERE TO DONATE

any amount (be sure to note Hiking Club in the Comments section) or hit "Bid Now" below to make a $100 donation to this year's Adventure Clubs.

The Adventure Clubs prepare for their trips by attending workshops on safety, food prep, clothing needs, and packing, and now we have a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts. Plus they learn independent living skills, appreciate nature, gain confidence in decision-making, learn to love teamwork, and experience a new way to be fit and healthy.  Your gift will make memories of a lifetime.