Steele Class Art - Kinder Mrs. Jones - Steele Star Hands

Item Number: 305

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Mar 16, 2019 8:30 PM MDT

Bid History: 1 bid - Item Sold!


If you love the fence art at the entry to Steele, now is your chance to grab one of these coveted Steele Stars for your . . . um, well, Steel Star (student)!  This piece of art would look great in a playroom, a child's room or a fun, colorful patio.  Bid now, we know everyone loves ANYTHING with our kiddos' handprints on them! 

(Dimensions - 27 inches tall and 28 inches wide)

Special Instructions

Delivery outside of Colorado Springs for addtional cost to be paid for by winner.