Dechen Choling, France: Meditation and Running with Elise Le Goff-Maes

Item Number: 343
Time Left: CLOSED

Expand on your running practice in the beautiful setting of Dechen Chöling in Limousin, France, 20 to 25 April, 2020. In addition to running this programme offers four full days of meditation. Under the guidance of Elise Le Goff-Maes, participants will practice mindfulness meditation and experience how running can be approached with the awareness and care.
A typical day will mix meditation, contemplation practices, talks and discussions, running or walking, working on technique, yoga and gentle strength training, with resting and relaxation.
This programme is open to all and appropriate both to beginners looking for a first experience of running, as well as more experienced athletes wanting to develop a sane and mindful approach to running performance.
Schedule example:
7:30: morning exercices and meditation
8:00: breakfast
9:00: guided meditation
10:00: yoga
11:00: running
12:30: déjeuner
15:00: meditation and discussion
16:00: strength work
17:00: running or walking
18:00: stretching and relaxation
18:45: dinner
Elise Maes Le Goff is a seasoned endurance runner and triathlete. She also teaches yoga and meditation and is a teacher in the Shambhala lineage. She enjoys teaching programs that create bridges between sports and more contemplative practices and strives to create a relaxed and joyful atmosphere where everyone feels supported.
People from around the world come to Dechen Chöling to learn and practice meditation in various forms, and to relax within the beauty of the center's 56 acres of land, surrounded by magnificent old trees. Dechen Chöling resembles a small village; the Chateau and surrounding farm buildings sitting in an open yet protected landscape.
Since its inception, Dechen Chöling has given people of all practice levels a place to discover themselves in meditation, and to deepen their understandings of the Buddhist and Shambhala teachings to study and practice together in a dignified and bucolic atmosphere.
Special Instructions
All prices $USD.
Good for 2020 program only.
Food and lodging included. Dorm or tent accommodation; bidder's choice.
Transportation not included.
At the conclusion of the auction, the winning bid will be charged to the credit card on file.