Wellness First Full Body Thermography Gift Certificate Basket with Wine

Item Number: 200

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $460

Online Close: Nov 16, 2019 9:00 PM EST

Bid History: 0 bids


This basket feature a gift certificate from Wellness First for a Full Body Thermography scan and two bottles of Finca Le Estacada 2017 Tempranillo along with a decorative wine stopper. 

Wellness First Chattanooga is happy to announce that we now offer Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI).

A patented DITI system detects infrared radiation to measure the physiological activity in your body. This clinical test is supported by 30 years of research and over 8,000 published medical studies. The procedure can take less than 20 minutes, requires no physical contact, there are no liquids to drink and it is 100% safe with no radiation and is FDA approved . You will see "bio-markers" that can reveal how efficiently your organs are functioning. Your thermal patterns are assessed by standards set by doctors at Johns Hopkins University and your patterns can relate to the function of your heart, lungs, digestive system, colon, stomach, liver, gallbladder, thyroid, vascular system, muscles, bones, joints and breast health. You’ll appreciate DITI’s ability to "see" inflammation, nerve and vascular changes that are invisible to x-ray and MRI.

DITI is Non invasive, no radiation is emitted, painfree and there is no contact with the body.