Learn the FitMama Way! An intimate seminar led by Jen Oliver. Only 5 spots available.

Item Number: 358

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Feb 17, 2020 11:59 PM PST

Bid History: 0 bids


Women in general and mothers in particular are often the hardest on themselves. Self-care and nurturing our emotional, mental and physical health is a process, not a product that can be ordered online. Author and mind-body coach Jen Oliver, MSc. who has given a TEDx talk covering this topic, gets to the core of this problem, both literally and figuratively. In a special seminar at Palm Valley School on March 15, from 10am to noon, participants will participate in a short, but focused mat fitness session to build core connection, stability and balance and learn how to breathe to support the core and nervous system. Participants will better understand the harms of negative self-talk, discuss and set goals that allow them to both love how far they've come and establish new milestones to celebrate in the future. Restoring your core connection, breathing deeply, gaining insight into the power of your body image, it's all about supporting you to cope with the pressures of the world today – both inside and out -- the FitMama Way. Use the Buy It Now Option to reserve your spot today!

