Authentic Hungarian Feast (Seat 5 of 8)

Item Number: 291

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Feb 9, 2020 9:00 PM EST

Bid History: 2 bids - Item Sold!


Have you longed to savor a Hungarian meal but cannot find a restaurant in or around Belmont? Enjoy a sumptuous Hungarian dinner for 8, hosted by the Transylvania Partner Church Committee. 

It's also a great opportunity to learn more about our Partner Church in Transylvania.



Special Instructions

This item has 8 seats available and is sold by the seat. If you are hoping to win more than one seat, be sure to bid on separate seats.

A date for the dinner will be coordinated by hosts and bidders.

This item is available to members and friends of First Church only.

Donated by

Livia Racz
Partner Church Committee