Brunch with the Author: Dick Lehr (Seat 5 of 6)

Item Number: 323

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Feb 9, 2020 9:00 PM EST

Bid History: 4 bids - Item Sold!


Join hosts Marion & Sean Westgate for a leisurely weekend brunch with First Church's own Dick Lehr, the best-selling author of Black Mass, a story about Whitey Bulger and the FBI, which has been adapted into a movie starring Johnny Depp, and The Birth of a Nation: How a Legendary Filmmaker and a Crusading Editor Reignited America's Civil War, which was adapted into a PBS documentary. At the core of both the book and the film is a historical nonfiction narrative with themes of civil rights, social justice, and free expression. Dick's newest book, scheduled to be released in late spring of this year, is a WWII narrative titled Dead Reckoning: The Story of How Johnny Mitchell and His Fighter Pilots Took on Admiral Yamamoto and Avenged Pearl Harbor.

Dick will talk about writing all three books and what the adaptation process was like, and will answer any questions you have. This is a unique chance to meet an accomplished author and journalist for a private conversation over pancakes, bagels, and coffee.


Special Instructions

This item has 6 seats available and is sold by the seat. If you are hoping to win more than one seat, be sure to bid on separate seats.

The brunch will be scheduled for a weekend morning according to the winning bidders’ schedules.

This item is available to members and friends of First Church only.

Donated by

Marion Westgate