Buy a backpack for a Kalandar child

Item Number: 122

Time Left: CLOSED

Online Close: May 22, 2020 5:00 PM MDT

Purchase History: 100 items sold


Want to help but can't decide on what to buy? How about sponsoring a backpack for a Kalandar child like Seema. Seema is 10 years old, studying in the 4th grade. She enjoys playing football and her tough personality gives the boys a run for their money when she comes down to play. She aspires to become a doctor when she grows up but her father, who works as a construction labourer, would not be able to help her achieve her dream. Wildlife SOS has been sponsoring her education with your help. Wildlife SOS helps the Kalandar community who historically 'danced bears' because they had no education and therefore no opportunities. Supporting this auction helps to ensure a future with 'no dancing bears.'


Any funds received from the auction may be utilized to support any of the programs of Wildlife SOS.