Enjoy VIP Tickets for The Maury Show and The Steve Wilkes Show in Stamford

Item Number: 165
Time Left: CLOSED

Enjoy 2 VIP tickets for The Steve Wilkes Show and 5 VIP tickets to The Maury Show (plus photo with Maury) in Stamford, along with a swag basket!
As a veteran journalist, Maury Povich is known for his ability to get to the heart of issues. Each episode includes more backstage and behind-the-scenes footage than ever before, opening the doors for viewers, exposing them to the guests and inner workings of the show. Povich is also a husband, father and grandfather, whose passion helps him form bonds with guests and viewers alike.
A native of Chicago, Steve Wilkos served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps for almost seven years before joining the Chicago Police Department. For almost 12 years, he kept the streets of Chicago's volatile 14th District (Shakespeare) safe while moonlighting during his off hours on television. Wilkos retired from the police force in 2001 and now devotes himself full time to his family and his show.
All participants must be over the age of 18.
Value: Priceless
Donated by Stamford Media Center/NBC Universal