Fund a Need: Jack Skellington, a miracle FARS kitty

Item Number: 276

Time Left: CLOSED

Online Close: Apr 25, 2021 8:00 PM EDT

Purchase History: 5 items sold


Jack's owner contacted MRFRS about his allergies after she had tried everything. He was running out of possibilities. Jack had a skin biopsy that strongly indicated that he was dealing with a severe skin allergy - one of the worst MRFRS shelter staff has ever seen. Jack and his owner worked with our volunteer shelter rounds veterinarian to find the right medication regimen to keep his allergies and immune system at bay. A lot of the typical courses of action were not enough for Jack and it took finding the extra special right combination of medications to work for him. We found it and he is doing so much better. Here's his owner's story:

"A vet diagnosed Jack with a food allergy and a skin infection soon after we got him and he was placed on specialized food and antibiotics. Unfortunately, his condition worsened. Jack's face became more irritated and itchier. We took him to several vets and many treatments were attempted. His face was covered in scabs. His ears were full of blood because he shook his head so violently to stop the discomfort. He wore a cone 24 hours a day.

We took him to an allergist who said he had never seen a case this bad and humane euthanasia was an option. We were devastated. His kitty soul was beautiful and sweet, and he deserved to live. The allergist stopped returning our calls and none of the treatments were working. We had spent thousands on him and were watching him suffer. Jack had been wearing the cone for months and we were out of options. 

In tears, I called MRFRS and explained our situation, they were empathetic and said to bring him in to see their vet. I was fearful they would tell me to put him down but instead I was met with a volunteer veterinarian and the Shelter Director who said yes, he was one of the worst cases they had experienced but they would not give up.

It has taken months, but after trials of different medications, specialized food, some setbacks, and MRFRS's compassionate staff and volunteer vet, Jack's face has cleared, and his cone is off. He experiences life as a young cat with vigor and tenacity. He continues to be the most loving cat I have ever owned. He thinks he is a scarf. His face and ears have places where the fur may never grow back, battle scars from the suffering he endured. 

Without the FARS program and the incredible diligence of the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, Jack Skellington our beautiful black velvet kitty gift would not be here today, and we are forever grateful."

By "purchasing" this item, you are making a gift of $200 (the monthly cost of Jack's immunosuppressant medications to keep his allergies at bay) which supports MRFRS's life-saving programs. Thank you!