Twin Creeks 2 Week Camp Session 1/2 Price Gift Card

Item Number: 139

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $1,700

Online Close: Jun 8, 2022 9:00 PM EDT

Bid History: 0 bids


Twin Creeks Summer Camp 1/2 Price Gift Card on Tuition at Twin Creeks ($1,700 gift card)



(bid together with another family on both items in CMS auction & go with a friend)

Session Dates Avaialble: 

June 19 - July 2nd

July 3 - July 16

July 31 - August 13 

Why Camp Twin Creeks?
With the abundance of choice you face when choosing a summer program, this is the key question. Why choose Camp Twin Creeks over another summer camp or a program that keeps your child closer to home?  Also consider the fact that even though your child might be 9 or 10 years old right now, you are hopefully choosing a camp for the adolescent version of your child.  Camp should be a summer home for years to come, a place to return to, a place to grow, a place to relax and be themselves especially as life gets more complicated. This is our goal and we love hearing this from our current camp families with older children at camp…

Location.... Twin Creeks Camp is located within the stunning Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia and the Monongahela National Forest, less than 4 hours from the metropolitan Washington DC area, near the historical Homestead and Greenbrier Resorts as well as the renowned Snowshoe Ski mountain.Sitting at 2300 feet above sea level, campers enjoy cool summer temperatures with chilly mornings and evenings as well as low humidity.

Tuition includes the following invaluable aspects:

Community living and learning, opportunities for unstructured play in a safe place, problem solving with peers, exposure to nature, limited exposure to screens and devices, camp community/a home away from home, role models in the form of young adults who inspire and guide and much more…


Special Instructions

*  $1,700 

*offer elgibility for first time families only

*offer for campers aged 7-12 years old 

*one camper per family may use this gift card



Twin Creeks Summer Camp
9235 Huntersville Road
Marlinton, WV 24954-5866
Phone: 1.800.451.8806