Floating Hospital - $250 Donation to the Loukoumi Foundation Teaching Kitchen

Item Number: 106

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $250

Online Close: Jun 1, 2023 9:00 PM EDT

Bid History: 0 bids


Donate $250 to the brand new Chef Maria Loi/Loukoumi Make A Difference Foundation Teaching Kitchen at the Floating Hospital.

The missions of Chef Loi, the Loukoumi Foundation and the Floating Hospital are perfectly aligned, all striving to make a difference in the lives of others!

The Chef Maria Loi / Loukoumi Make A Difference Foundation Teaching Kitchen For Families will host families with hands-on education and tools for managing chronic illnesses, maintaining nutritious diets and developing social and practical life skills. Families served by the hospital frequently are moved from city shelter to shelter with little to no notice. We will work with the Hospital to further develop a curriculum and workshops that offer information on healthy eating, ingredient sourcing and preparation, and meal preparation in the challenging conditions families face living in shelters and domestic safe houses. The Teaching Kitchen will also be used as part of the Loukoumi Feeds the Hungry program where Chef Loi will lead children of the Loukoumi Foundation via virtual and in person cooking classes, where children will cook food for area homeless shelters.

We are very excited for this collaboration and have committed to raising $50,000 for this amazing program.