Kundalini Class: Connecting With the Divine Mother Within

Item Number: 270

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $20

Online Close: Apr 7, 2024 9:00 PM PDT

Purchase History: 12 items sold


Friday May 24, 6:30-8:00 pm at the New Village School

This 90-minute class will be devoted to awakening, connecting to, and strengthening the Divine Mother within. Although the term “mother” is gendered, it is a quality that is within all of us, regardless of our social gender. According to the tradition of Kundalini Yoga as given to us by Yogi Bhajan, “the mother is the vessel through which one enters planet Earth. In the yogic tradition, the woman is called Adi Shakti, which is the primal energy or force. Each woman carries this blessing, and with this blessing comes the very important responsibility of being a mother. She has the power to conceive and create through the power of her surrender, her love, her clarity and purity, whether it be creating children of her body, ideas, or environments.”

I will provide some background about the understanding of Shakti according to Yogi Bhajan and the Sikh tradition. We will then be moving through a series of exercises and will dive into the power of the Divine Mother through meditation and chanting.

Noura Wedell is a mother, writer, translator and editor for the press Semiotext(e). In LA, she trained in Kundalini Yoga under Yogi Bhajan’s archivist, Tej Kaur Khalsa.

-image description-Three different manifestations of Shakti, or cosmic energy in Hinduism: Durga the Goddess of Valor, Lakshmi the Goddess of Wealth and Saraswati the Goddess of Knowledge.

Image courtesy https://rykyoga.com/divine-mother-meditation-kundalini-bhakti-mantra/

Donated by

Noura Wedell