An introduction to "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership"

Item Number: 127

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $500

Online Close: May 23, 2024 8:00 PM PDT

Bid History: 0 bids


An introduction to "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership" includes one copy of the book and 3 group discussion sessions led by Neil, dad of Luca Passero in fifth grade with Mrs Walker, a certified "15 Commitments" and "Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence" coach, executive advisor and entrepreneur. Sessions will be online or live in Sebastopol if the group agrees.

Conscious leaders from G2, Asana and other world-class organizations live and work "above the line", build trust in their team and generate outsized results.

Our time together is designed to further the group's journey into greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and relational mastery. We will read the intro and the first 2 chapters on "Taking Radical Responsibility (vs blaming self and others)" and "Learning Through Curiosity (vs needing to be right)".

Here are some of the key benefits:

Increased Self-Awareness: The commitments encourage individuals to become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This self-awareness is foundational for personal growth and development.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: By understanding and managing one's emotions, individuals can improve their relationships, communication skills, and decision-making abilities.

Greater Authenticity: Conscious leadership emphasizes being authentic and true to oneself. By aligning actions with values and beliefs, individuals can build trust and credibility with others.

Improved Relationships: The commitments promote healthy and constructive relationships based on trust, empathy, and compassion. This leads to more effective collaboration and teamwork.

Better Conflict Resolution Skills: Conscious leaders are equipped with tools and strategies to navigate conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner, leading to resolutions that benefit all parties involved.

Enhanced Decision Making: By practicing conscious leadership, individuals develop the ability to make decisions from a place of clarity, intuition, and wisdom, rather than from fear, ego, or external pressures.

Increased Resilience: Conscious leaders are better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks with resilience and grace. They can bounce back from adversity and maintain a sense of inner peace and balance.

Greater Influence and Impact: By embodying the principles of conscious leadership, individuals can inspire and empower others to reach their full potential. They become more effective leaders who can create positive change within their organizations and communities.

Personal Fulfillment: Ultimately, practicing conscious leadership leads to a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

Special Instructions

We will meet weekly for three weeks on Wednesday evenings 7pm-9pm, in Sebastopol or online.