Theatre of Our Imagination by Graceina Samosir

Item Number: 247

Time Left: CLOSED

Value: $450

Online Close: May 16, 2024 8:30 PM EDT

Bid History: 1 bid - Item Sold!


Theatre of Our Imagination (Diptych), 2023, wax crayon on mylar sheet, 8.5 " x 11 " each piece. / crayon de cire sur feuille de mylar, 8,5 po x 11 po (chaque pièce)

These illustrations are part of a series that depicts the forgotten, yet familiar, snippets of childhood.

Ces illustrations font partie d'une série qui dépeint les bribes oubliées, mais familières, de l'enfance.

Special Instructions

I draw and paint seemingly mundane stories as I, and those around me, come to terms with the human condition. On some days they look like illustrations, other days they show up in the form of collages, and in rare moments, they develop into animations.

Je dessine et peins des histoires vraisemblables du quotidien, alors que moi et les gens qui m’entourent apprenons à accepter la condition humaine. Certains jours, ces histoires prennent la forme d’illustrations, d’autres, la forme de collages, et parfois, elles se déploient en animation.

Donated by

Graceina Samosir