Be a guest on The STRIVECast!

Item Number: 148

Value: Priceless

Online Close: Nov 21, 2024 8:00 PM EST


Have you ever wanted to be the special guest on a podcast or radio show? Well this is the item for you! Be a guest on STRIVE's very own podcast, The STRIVECast! Discuss whatever you'd like with our hosts, Jeff and Noel. Also be prepared for tough lightning round questions like "if you were a superhero, what would your superhero power be?", "winter weather or summer weather?", or "what is your favorite pizza topping?"!

The STRIVECast is hosted, edited, and produced by STRIVE members and can be found on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever else you download podcasts, as well as on STRIVE's website and social media pages.


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Special Instructions

-Great chance to promote your business or cause!

-Scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.

-Tapings are done on Tuesdays between 11:30am-1pm window.