Consultation Two Hour "Walk in the Woods" with Forester Joe Nelson
Item Number: 185
Time Left: CLOSED
Current NBS Board member, Joe Nelson, will accompany you on a two-hour tour of a property of your choosing- located in the greater Addison County area, please.
Plan on some tree identification, boundary location, examination of wildlife habitat and possible trail systems, and general forestry talk.
Special Instructions
More about Joe:
Joe Nelson founded Upland Forestry in 1989, a small forestry consulting firm which he expanded from small scale forestry work in Vermont to providing forestry services to industrial owners in New England and New York. With the paper companies divesting of forestland in the 1990’s, Joe steered the company to managing large tracts for private investors. Joe has taught Forestry Camp and Silviculture at the University of Vermont, and consulted on agroforestry and forest economic projects in Central and South America. He sold the business in 2010 and continues with wildlife habitat, forestry, and conservation agriculture projects in Vermont and New York. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1980 with a B.S. in Forestry.
Thank you, Joe!