Improve Your Brain Health
Item Number: 193
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Leading Bidder: dhallmarkmd
Leading Bid: $38
Next Minimum Bid: $43
A certificate for full access for a year to all BrainHQ exercises for complete brain training and a personalized program that supports your brain-training goal including reminders, progress tracking, and other features to help you stay on track.
BrainHQ was made for you. It allows you to fit brain exercises into your busy life, and access brain training on most internet-connected devices. Plus, each exercise continuously adapts to your unique performance. So you train at the right level for you. Learn more about the program, its exercises, and its benefits here.
It takes less than five minutes to do each BrainHQ level, so you can use it in tiny bites or long blocks, depending on your schedule. Plus you can use BrainHQ on almost any computer or mobile device, so you can take it on the go. If you want, you can set up personal training goals and have BrainHQ send you training reminders when you want them.