Thoreau Farm Egyptian Walking Onion bulbs
Item Number: 106
Time Left: 23d 6h
Leading Bidder: aba931cef
Leading Bid: $12
Next Minimum Bid: $17
We're offering bulbs from our unique Egyptian Walking Onions that we grow in our kitchen garden.
These hard to find perennial scallions are the perfect gift for the gardener in your life.
Egyptian Walking Onions are hardy and beautiful, not to mention the first food in our garden to emerge: usually in early April with snow still on the ground!
The onion might not produce a topset in its first year, but it will in the second year.
The bulbs can be planted in the spring and fall.
Special Instructions
Winning bidder responsible for pick-up in Concord or for shipping charges.
Donated by
Thoreau Farm Trust