$200 Mommy Makeover Gift Certificate for Beverly Hills Cosmetic & Laser Center (2)

Item Number: 157

Value: $200

Online Close: May 19, 2025 9:00 PM PDT


This highly skilled professional is trained in both general surgery and cosmetic surgery, so she understands the medical needs of aging skin. Dr. Gohar is the founder and lead surgeon at the Beverly Hills Cosmetic & Laser Center--one of the leading skin resurfacing medical centers in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Gohar is one of the most talented surgeons in California.

This $200 gift certificate is valid for - Mommy make over - towards purchase of botox, dysport, fillers (Juvederm, Voluma, Vollure, Belotero, Radiesse), Kybella Fraxel Laser (for treatment of Age Spots, Acne Scars, Wrikles, Hyper-pigmentation, Facial resurfacing, Laser Hair Removal, Sclerotherapy (spier vein treatment), Chemical Peel (Glycolic, Jessner, Salicylic), Organic Peels, Vela Shape (for treatment of Cellulite), European Anti-Aging Facial, IPL photo facial, IPL facial package, facial & Microdermabrasion package, Vampire Facelift, Coopsculpting (Zeltiq).

Beverly Hills Cosmetic & Laser Center

435 N Roxbury Dr #405, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Website: https://www.bevhillscosmeticsurgery.com/ 

Special Instructions

Limit one per person. Cannot be combined with disccounted services in office or combined with products. Expires 10/31/2024. For questions, contact events@k9youthalliance.org 

Donated by

Beverly Hills Cosmetic & Laser Center