Advanced Mastermind Game: The Extra Challenging Edition

Item Number: 268
Time Left: CLOSED

2 Players, Ages 8 to adult.
It's the ultimate brain game! This advanced version of the classic strategy game is extra-challenging with 5 peg spaces and 8 different colors - that's 59,000 possible patterns! How do you crack the code? First, your opponent sets up a secret pattern of colored pegs. You try to guess the pattern by placing a series of colored pegs on the board. After every turn, your opponent will give you clues about your selection - how many colors are correct and how many colors are in the right position. Can you do it in 12 tries or less? There's only one way to find out!
Game includes game board, hinged shield to conceal the code, coded pegs in 8 different colors, key pegs and instructions.
Special Instructions
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Only for local, in-person pick-up by the winning bidder at the MSA office, Saturday, 4/3/2010, between 9 am-1pm.