Stillbirth Foundation

Nate's Memory

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Auction in Memory of Nate Louis Cook

This auction has been created by Nate's parents Carlee & Sam Cook, in his memory with all proceeds to the Stillbirth Foundation Australia.


Nate is our first born son, born without a breath. He is big brother to his baby sister Isla Grace, only grandson to all his Grandparents.

There is a Korean proverb that says, "When a parent dies, they are buried in the ground. When a child dies, they are buried in the parents heart."

That is where Nate stays and is our drive for more funding, better and continued research to reduce the 6 stillborn babies everyday. To bring more babies home filling arms and hearts of families instead of leaving hospitals empty handed and broken hearted. 
What we endured and still continue to do so on the daily without our boy we wouldn't wish on any person and parent. It's a life sentence.

Every little bit helps the Foundation in making a difference. From our family to you we thank you.

Carlee & Sam Cook