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St. Timothy Middle School is swooning and crooning for your support in helping the school flourish. 

What is the Concert that Never Was?
The Concert That Never Was is this year's Tiger Ball theme. It is the largest fundraiser of the school year. All funds raised will go toward advancing our classroom resources, improving the infrastructure of our school, and augmenting financial aid. A Barbara Streisand and Frank Sinatra tribute duo will provide the entertainment for the evening. With your help, we will raise a chart-topping $60,000 for our school that evening, highlighting the 60th anniversary of our parish.

Where: In the Mortensen Theater at Northwest Catholic High School (29 Wampanoag Drive, West Hartford)

When: Friday, April 26, 6:30PM-10:00PM

Silent Auction: The silent auction items will be available as early as two weeks before the event. (NOTE: We will post silent auction items here once they have all been confirmed.)

Live Auction: The live auction will take place the night of the event, during the musical intermission. 

Register for tickets and sponsorships below! Please note that you are required to create an account and enter a credit card, even if you are paying by check.