2021 Masquerade Gala & Silent Auction

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Thank You for Your Support of Families' Mental Health

Your participation provides critical operational support for C.A.S.E. and helps adoptive, foster, and kinship families cover the cost of therapy. In 2021, your support for our Fund-a-Family appeal helped 76 clients and family members get the mental healthcare they needed.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2021 Masquerade Gala & Silent Auction and in our Getaway Raffle. We hope you'll join us again next time!

Getaway Raffle - Only 200 Tickets Available!

Purchase your raffle ticket now - before they're gone! Each ticket purchase enters you for a chance to win your choice of one of 4 Getaway Trips to Jamaica, Nashville, Puntacana or Napa Valley! One winner will be randomly selected.

We would like to thank our sponsors....

Forest ($15,000)

Tree ($10,000)

Sapling ($5,000)